What Norman Mailer’s “Cancellation” Reveals

Michael Mailer contextualizes the Cancel Mailer controversy and makes an argument for publishing companies to be a place for the “free exchange of ideas” in “What Norman Mailer’s ‘Cancellation’ Reveals.” Via The Spectator. Mailer continues:
This row isn’t just about my father. It points to a larger issue about the state of publishing today. The irony of promoting Diversity™ while quashing truly diverse thought cannot be overlooked. If the publishing world is no longer a place for the free exchange of ideas, then where are we as a culture? Long ago, publishers stood up to a frenzied Joseph McCarthy hunting communist witches. If the brutish forces of fascism couldn’t cancel writers then, why is it happening now?
What Norman Mailer’s ‘cancellation’ reveals
New York Recently a story about my father, the writer Norman Mailer, getting ‘cancelled’ tore across the internet. What started the hoopla was Random House, Mailer’s long-standing publisher, suggesting that his estate bring a proposal for a book. The book was to contain excerpts from several of his…

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