Robert F. Lucid Award
The Robert F. Lucid Award for Mailer Studies was established in 2003 in recognition of Professor Lucid’s long and distinguished career as a Mailer scholar-critic. The Lucid Award is given annually based on the recommendation of a Society committee. The winner receives a plaque and a $250 honorarium and is invited to speak at the Society’s annual meeting. The Lawrence Schiller Educational Trust matches all contributions, up to a total of $5,000, to an endowment set up to fund the Lucid Award. We are deeply grateful to Mr. Schiller for his gifts.

Lucid Award Winners
Robert J. Begiebing, Norman Mailer at 100
Maggie McKinley, Norman Mailer in Context
J. Michael Lennon, Donna Pedro Lennon, Gerald R. Lucas, Norman Mailer: Works and Days
Maggie McKinley, Understanding Norman Mailer
Kevin Schultz, Buckley and Mailer: The Difficult Friendship that Shaped the Sixties
J. Michael Lennon, The Selected Letters of Norman Mailer
J. Michael Lennon, Norman Mailer: A Double Life
Lawrence Schiller, “Lifetime Achievement Award” for major role in Oswald’s Tale, The Executioner’s Song, and Marilyn: A Biography
Norris Church Mailer, A Ticket to the Circus
John Whalen-Bridge, Norman Mailer’s Later Fictions: Ancient Evenings through Castle in the Forest
J. Michael Lennon for his work from 2002–2009 as founding president of the Norman Mailer Society
John Whalen-Bridge