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Conference 2024: Call for Papers

The Norman Mailer Society invites paper proposals for its 21st annual conference to be held at the Sirata Resort on St. Petersburg Beach, FL, November 14–16, 2024.

Paper proposals on any aspect of Mailer’s life, work, and legacy are welcome. Topics might include (but are not limited to) Mailer’s contributions to American political conversations, views on corporations and capitalism, gender, race, class, media, criminality, democracy, left conservatism, cosmology and spirituality, experimentations with genre and style, relationships or thematic parallels with other writers, literary influences and inheritors, reconsiderations of individual works, and teaching Mailer.

To submit a proposal for a panel, individual paper, or special event, please email the following to our conference committee: normanmailersociety [at] gmail [dot] com:

  1. a 150-200 word abstract;
  2. a 50-word biographical statement;
  3. A/V requirements, if any.

Proposals are due by July 1, 2024.